Terms & Conditions

Note for Business Partners:

The general terms and conditions below apply to end consumers (B2C). The general terms and conditions for business partners (B2B) can be downloaded here.

These General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between tado GmbH, Sapporobogen 6-8, 80637 Munich, Germany (entered in the commercial register at the District Court of Munich under HRB 194769, VAT ID DE280012558), hereinafter also referred to as the "Supplier" and its customers, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer".

1. Scope, definitions, amendments

The following General Terms and Conditions shall apply exclusively to the business relationship between the Supplier and the Customer in the version valid at the time the contract was concluded. 

When these General Terms and Conditions refer to "consumers", these are deemed to be natural persons placing orders that cannot be attributed to commercial, independent or freelance activity. In contrast, "businesses" are natural or legal persons or partnerships with legal personality pursuing commercial, independent or freelance activities. The term "customers" under these General Terms and Conditions covers both consumers and businesses.

2. Subject matter of the contract

The subject matter of the contract is the purchase or use of software applications and devices of the Supplier for smart control of heating and / or air conditioning. Applications of the Supplier - hereinafter referred to as "apps" - include both web-based applications and mobile applications. 

The mobile apps are made available through the various stores for mobile applications (iOS App Store, Android Play Store, Windows Store, etc.). The web applications are available on the website of the Supplier.

The Supplier's server infrastructure is the central link between the applications and from the applications to the devices. The Supplier shall inform the Customers of any necessary maintenance work in a timely manner.

3A. Conclusion of Contract

All offers of the Supplier are subject to change and are non-binding. 

In the case of orders placed over the telephone, through the online store or using any other method, the contract for the purchase of devices shall only come into effect when the Supplier accepts the order and sends a separate email to that effect to the Customer (order confirmation). 

Irrespective of whether the contract has been accepted by sending an order confirmation by email, a binding contract shall come into effect at the latest upon delivery of the devices.

3B. No sales to business resellers

The goods offered in the online store are only sold to consumers and entrepreneurs as end users. The commercial resale of goods is not permitted. The Supplier reserves the right not to accept contract offers that give the impression of being made for the purpose of commercial resale of the goods.

4. General obligations of the Customer

The Customer hereby warrants that the information provided to the Supplier at the time of the registration or placing the order is accurate and complete. The Customer undertakes to inform the Supplier immediately of any changes to the data provided and to reconfirm their accuracy and completeness upon request of the Supplier within 15 days of the date of receipt. This concerns, in particular, the name, postal address, email address and telephone number and where applicable, the fax number or legal form of the Customer and details of the selected payment method.

5. Prices and payment terms

The prices displayed on the website of the Supplier at the time of placing the order shall apply. If delivery charges are incurred, the Customer will be informed of the amount of delivery charges at the time of placing the order. All prices indicated on the Supplier's website are inclusive of applicable VAT.

The Supplier reserves the right to contract third parties with processing for the various payment options.

As a general rule, invoices shall be sent to customers by email. The invoice amount shall be payable no later than 14 days after receipt of the invoice.

If the Customer falls into arrears, the Supplier shall be entitled to charge a reminder fee per reminder.

For any failed or returned direct debit or credit card payment, the Supplier shall be entitled to charge a flat-rate fee, except where the Customer can prove that they bear no responsibility for the damage-causing event. The Customer shall be entitled to prove that the Supplier has not suffered any or substantially lower damage than that suggested by the flat-rate fee.

6. Delivery and retention of title

Deliveries shall only take place to delivery addresses in countries listed on https://support.tado.com/articles/4345196. A delivery to any of the special territories in the listed countries is excluded.

It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that the goods can be delivered during normal business hours. Delivery takes place within two weeks of acceptance of the Customer's offer to conclude a contract. 

In cases of force majeure, the delivery period shall be extended accordingly. Events that qualify as force majeure shall include but are not limited to strike, lockout, interference by public authorities, energy and raw material shortages, transport disruptions, operational disruptions beyond our control - e.g. caused by fire, water, machinery failure or lightning strike - and any other disruptions that could not have been reasonably foreseen or caused by the culpable conduct of the Supplier. Start and end time of the disruption to delivery shall be communicated promptly by the Supplier.

If delivery is delayed by more than two weeks after payment, the Customer has the right to rescind the contract. In addition, in this case, the Supplier will also be entitled to rescind the contract. At the same time, the Supplier will promptly refund any payments already made by the Customer.

The Supplier reserves the right to withdraw from the contract after three failed delivery attempts where the Customer was at fault. In this case, any payments already made by the Customer will be promptly refunded by the Supplier.

Where devices are delivered with obvious damage to the packaging or the content, the Customer shall, without prejudice to their warranty rights, notify the Supplier no later than two weeks after receiving the devices, enabling the Supplier to file a claim for transport damage against the responsible logistics company. Where the Customer is a business for whom the contract forms part of his commercial trade, Article 377 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) shall apply. 

In principle, the costs for returning the goods shall be borne by the Customer. This shall not apply when returning goods as a consequence of a withdrawal.

Where the Customer purchases the devices, the Supplier shall retain title them until they have been paid for in full.

7. Right of withdrawal

Where a Customer enters into a contract with the Supplier as a consumer, and the Customer and Supplier make exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication in contract negotiations up to and including the time at which the contract is concluded (e.g. by placing the order through the online store of the Supplier or using telephone, email or fax), the Customer is generally entitled to withdraw from the contract. 

The withdrawal period in the case of delivery of devices shall be 14 days from the date on which the Customer or a named third party, other than the carrier, have taken possession of the goods. If the order includes several devices, which will be delivered separately, the withdrawal period shall be fourteen days from the date on which the Customer or a third party nominated by the Customer, other than the carrier, have taken possession of the last device.

The Supplier shall only bear the cost of returning the goods if the Customer uses the return label provided by the Supplier. The return costs will not be refunded for any other type of return. The Supplier shall not be under any obligation to provide a return label. 

The withdrawal period for the installation service of the Supplier (see Section 10) shall be 14 days from the date of the conclusion of the contract. The right of withdrawal shall expire once the installation has been duly completed.

The complete withdrawal policy is enclosed as a separate document to these General Terms and Conditions.

Payments made for in-app subscriptions and purchases via the Apple AppStore or Google Play Store cannot be withdrawn and/or refunded via the Supplier.

8. Discretionary returns

If a 30-day money-back guarantee has been agreed upon, the Customer may withdraw from the contract even after the end of the 14-day withdrawal period (see Section 7) by notifying the Supplier of his intent to return the goods under this discretionary return policy within 30 days of receipt of the devices (the period starts on the day of delivery).

The acceptance of a discretionary return and the refund of any payments already made shall be conditional on the devices being sent back in full, undamaged, intact and in their original condition and packaging. If the returned device is damaged or incomplete, the Supplier reserves the right to refuse to refund the purchase price or to reduce the repayment amount.

There is no entitlement to reimbursement of shipping or return shipping costs under this discretionary return and refund policy.

The statutory right of withdrawal (see Section 7) is not affected by compliance with conditions laid down in this Section 7 and remains independent of this. The statutory terms and conditions for the right of withdrawal shall apply exclusively until the end of the withdrawal period. 

The (discretionary) return policy shall be without prejudice to any statutory warranty rights, which apply without limitation.

9. Energy Savings & Satisfaction Guarantee

For heating products from the Supplier purchased or rented after September 1, 2016, the Supplier may extend the discretionary return period pursuant to Section 8 to a period of 12 months from receipt of the devices. 

This extended discretionary return period is referred to as “Energy Savings Guarantee” in offerings of the Supplier and generally only applies if the “Energy Savings Guarantee” was part of the offering at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

The extended discretionary return period shall also apply for devices that have been purchased at a Supplier’s retail partner, provided the customer presents the original invoice issued by the retail partner and the “Energy Savings Guarantee” of the Supplier was part of the offering of the retail partner.

In addition to the conditions in Section 8 the acceptance of the discretionary return and the refund of any amount for the devices shall further be subject to the devices having been connected to a heating system for a continuous period of at least 6 months. 

The same applies to the product Smart AC Control with the limitation that the period for the discretionary return is restricted to 100 days from receipt of the devices and that the devices must have been connected to an air conditioning system and been in use for a continuous period of at least 2 months.

For the purpose of clarification it is mentioned here that the Customer is not required to provide heating or electricity bills or any other proof regarding energy consumption to be eligible for the discretionary return and refund.

The regulations for exercise and refund pursuant to Section 8 apply mutatis mutandis.

Payments for in-app subscriptions and purchases via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store are not subject to this extended discretionary return regulation.

In general, returns can only be processed from the countries listed on https://support.tado.com/articles/4345196.

10. Installation & technical requirements

In order to use the full range of functions offered by the applications of the Supplier, a working, always-on internet connection must be available at the place of installation. In order to use all the features of the mobile applications, a mobile data connection is required. The availability and functioning of the internet connection shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer.

Before the terminal devices can be installed, a compatibility check with the existing heating or air conditioning system of the Customer shall be performed using the apps of the Supplier. The compatibility check is carried out based on Customer specifications. 

Where the compatibility check of the existing heating or air conditioning system of the Customer shows that it is not compatible, the Supplier shall inform the Customer immediately. The Customer will then be required to make the necessary declarations to withdraw from the contract within the specified withdrawal period or the 30-day discretionary return period and return the devices in full and without any traces of use to the Supplier.

11. Data protection

The Supplier shall carry out all data processing operations (e.g., collection, processing, and transmission) in compliance with statutory requirements. The personal data supplied by the Customer, order data and operating data provided by the terminal devices shall be stored electronically by the Supplier.

Further information about the nature, scope, location and purpose of collecting, processing and the use of personal data required to execute the order can be found in the privacy policy of the Supplier.

The measures deployed by the Supplier for the protection of data against unauthorised access shall be based on the newest technology standards. At the same time, it should be noted that even if the most advanced measures are used, it cannot be completely ruled out that third parties may attempt to gain unauthorised access to this data.

12. Liability

The Supplier shall only be liable for damage other than injury to life, body or health to the extent that they are the result of intent or gross negligence or culpable breach of material contractual obligations, i.e. obligations, which are essential for the proper performance of the contract and the fulfilment of which the client may routinely rely upon, by the Supplier or their vicarious agents. Any further liability for damages shall be excluded. 

In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations, the liability of the Supplier shall be limited to contractually foreseeable damage.

The liability under the provisions of the German Product Liability Act shall remain unaffected hereby.

In addition, the Supplier shall not be liable for damage to devices of third parties connected to the terminals of the Supplier or damage to the terminal devices of the Supplier, as well as devices that are not fit for use, when this is attributable to false or incomplete information provided by the Customer at the time of the compatibility check or failure to observe the instructions of the Supplier. 

The Supplier recommends having the device professionally installed. If the installation is carried out by a third party contracted by the Customer rather than the installation service of the Supplier (e.g. an installation company), the third party contracted by the Customer shall be liable for any damage caused by the improper installation.

A self-installation of the devices of the Supplier shall be at your own risk. 

Any repairs or any procedures on the air conditioning system (heating, cooling, ventilation), including those carried out according to the provider's instructions, are carried out at the sole risk of the customer. In case of doubt, the customer must consult a specialist for the air conditioning system in question and commission them to carry out the procedure on the system.

The Supplier shall not be liable for damage caused by improper installation, use, treatment, operation or storage.

Insofar as not already excluded under the preceding provisions, the Supplier shall not accept any liability for damage to devices connected to terminal devices unless the damage is demonstrably attributable to the operation of one of the terminal devices of the Supplier. The burden of proof lies with the Customer. If no proof is available due to the actions of the Customer (e.g. if the Customer carries out a repair themselves), the liability of the Supplier shall be excluded.

Furthermore, the Supplier shall not accept any liability for the limitation or denial of discretionary warranty services provided by third parties due to the use of the devices of the Supplier. This shall be without prejudice to warranty claims against third parties, which must be pursued against the relevant third party.

As heating costs are driven by a variety of factors, which are beyond the sphere of influence of the Supplier (e.g. weather, insulation, ventilation, chosen target temperature settings), any liability of the Supplier for heating costs of the Customer shall be excluded.

The Supplier reserves the right to interrupt access to the software and the unrestricted use of the applications of the Supplier to the extent this is necessary for compelling reasons, e.g. due to necessary maintenance of servers, programs or the necessary infrastructure, unauthorised data or computer access, or in order to eliminate unforeseen vulnerabilities. In these cases, a stand-alone intelligent control of the devices shall be enabled as far as possible. These temporary restrictions shall not give rise to any liability or warranty claims by the Customer.

13. Warranty

The statutory warranty regulations apply. 

For purchased devices, the warranty is limited to two years. If the devices have been purchased for a commercial or independent professional activity, the warranty is limited to one year.

Rented devices are covered by warranty for the entire duration of the lease.

14. Final provisions

Should any provision of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid, the validity of the other provisions shall remain unaffected thereby.

If the Customer is a business, a public legal entity, or a special fund under public law or where the Customer's general place of jurisdiction lies outside the European

Union, the place of jurisdiction for all claims arising from the contractual relationship shall be the registered office of the Supplier. However, the Supplier shall be entitled to pursue a legal claim at the general place of jurisdiction of the Customer.

The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the Sale of Goods (CISG) shall apply exclusively, including to cross-border deliveries if the Customer is not a consumer. If the Customer is a consumer, the mandatory consumer protection legislation valid in the country in which the Customer has their habitual residence shall apply, provided that it offers more comprehensive protection.

The Supplier shall be entitled to change these General Terms and Conditions unilaterally - insofar as they form an integral part of the contract with the Customer and if this is necessary to eliminate a subsequent disturbance to the equilibrium of the contract, or to adapt the contract to the changing legal or technological conditions. The Supplier shall notify the Customer accordingly about any changes to the provisions of the contract and provide the Customer with the content of the amended provisions. The amendment shall become an integral part of the contract, if the Customer does not object to the inclusion of the amended provisions within six weeks of receipt of notification of change either in writing or electronic form.

Withdrawal policy for terminal equipment

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from this contract for purchase of terminal equipment within a period of fourteen days, without giving a reason.

The withdrawal period shall be fourteen days from the date on which you or a named third party, other than the carrier, have taken possession of the devices. If you have ordered several terminal devices, which will be delivered separately, the withdrawal period shall be fourteen days from the date on which you or a third party nominated by you, other than the carrier, have taken possession of the last device. If you have ordered terminal devices, which will be delivered in several partial shipments or parts, the withdrawal period shall be fourteen days from the date on which you or a third party nominated by you, other than the carrier, have taken possession of the last partial shipment or part. 

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must send us (tado GmbH, Sapporobogen 6-8, 80637 Munich, Germany) a withdrawal notice which clearly expresses your intention to withdraw from the contract. You can use the attached withdrawal form template for this purpose, but this is not mandatory. 

The easiest way to submit the withdrawal notice is to send us a contact request via http://support.tado.com.

If you exercise your right, we will provide immediate confirmation of receipt of your notice of withdrawal (for example, by email). The time limit for withdrawal shall be deemed to have been observed if the withdrawal notice was sent before the end of the withdrawal period.

Consequences of Withdrawal

If you withdraw from this contract, we will refund any payments we have received from you, without delay and at the latest within 14 days from the date on which the notification regarding your withdrawal from this contract has been received by us. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, we shall use the same method of payment to reimburse you as you used for the initial transaction; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the devices back from you, or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever comes earlier.

You shall be obliged to return the goods to us promptly and at the latest within fourteen days from the date on which you have notified us of your intention to withdraw from the agreement. The timely posting of the goods before the end of the fourteen-day period shall be sufficient for the purpose of observing the time limit. We shall bear the costs of returning the goods provided that you use the return label we have provided. If you do not use the return label to return the goods, you must bear the costs of returning the goods by yourself.

You only have to provide compensation for the deterioration of the terminal equipment and the derived benefits, if the deterioration or the benefits can be ascribed to you having handled said equipment in a way not limited to the examination of the product's properties and functionality. "The examination of the product's properties and functionality" means the trying and testing of a product in a manner that would be possible and customary in a retail store.

Withdrawal notice template

If you wish to withdraw from the contract, please send a message with the following content to us. If marked with (*), delete as appropriate.

To tado GmbH Sapporobogen 6-8 80637 Munich

Contact form is available at www.tado.com/support 

I/we (*) hereby withdraw from the contract that I/we (*) concluded for the purchase of terminal equipment provided by tado GmbH.

Ordered on (*)/received on (*) Name(s) of the consumer(s): Address(es) of the consumer(s): Signature of the consumer(s) (only applies to paper communications): Date: