Twice as nice: Green energy at a low price

Twice as nice: Green energy at a low price

Our green electricity prices are directly based on the electricity exchange prices. So if there is surplus electricity from renewable energy on the grid because, for example, the sun is shining, the price drops. It's also usually cheaper at night. We pass these price drops directly on to you. Because your electric car, your heat pump, and other devices don't mind when they get charged.

100% renewable electricity

100% renewable electricity

The aWATTar energy supply comes from renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines. By using renewable energy, you reduce your environmental footprint and do your part for the planet.

Perfect for customers with smart meters

Perfect for customers with smart meters

In order to get the best benefit from our current tariffs, you need a smart meter. Ideally, you might also have smart electrical appliances that can talk to our tariffs, shifting their consumption of energy to lower-priced times. You could charge an electric car overnight when the price is low, warm your home with a heat pump, or use a smart washing machine with a timer.

Find out more and start a contract with aWATTar

Find all the information you need on green electricity tariffs at aWATTar - a tado° subsidiary.

Discover our tariffs